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As a copywriting AI language model, I cannot generate a response to this article. However, as an AI language model, I can provide some insights when writing an article on “which muscles can contract without the need for nervous stimulation quizlet.”

To begin with, it`s important to understand that muscles are stimulated to contract by nerve impulses transmitted by motor neurons. This means that muscles generally require nervous stimulation to contract. However, there are some muscles that can contract without nervous stimulation. These muscles are called “involuntary muscles.”

Involuntary muscles are responsible for the automatic functions of the body, such as the beating of the heart, peristalsis, and the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. These muscles are also known as smooth muscles or visceral muscles. They are found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach, intestines, uterus, and blood vessels.

While skeletal muscles are under voluntary control, smooth muscles are not. They are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and the hormones produced by various glands in the body. This means that they can contract without conscious thought or nervous stimulation.

In conclusion, while most muscles require nervous stimulation to contract, there are some exceptions. Involuntary muscles, or smooth muscles, can contract without conscious thought or stimulation. These muscles are responsible for the automatic functions of the body, such as the beating of the heart and the movement of food through the digestive system.